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Anto - Carte

[Costume Design for "The Tragedy of Salome" (Salome)]

Gouache on paper
63,7 x 29 cm (25 ¹/₈ x 11 ³/₈ inches)
Titled, signed and dated: "Salomé [unreadable] N°2 Anto-Carte 32"


- Anto-Carte. Supports papier, Schaerbeek, Hôtel communal, 12 September - 11 October 1997, No. 56.
Anto-Carte. Rétrospective (1886-1954), Mons, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Mons, 21 September - 26 November 1995; Paris, Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, 13 June - 1 September 1996, No. 228.


- DE REYMAEKER Michel, LEDOUX-TRIFFAUX Thérèse and VAN ZUYLEN Pascale, Anto-Carte. Supports papier (Brussels: Atelier Ledoux Édition, 1997), ill. p. 50.
- VAN ZUYLEN Pascale (ed.), Anto-Carte. Rétrospective (1886-1954) (Brussels: Atelier Ledoux Édition, 1996), ill. p. 150.